The Kid In Me

The Kid In Me album cover

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The Kid in Me – released on Friday 10 November 2023 on all streaming platforms, will be available to buy on CD from 09 August 2024. A 10-track album of songs and instrumentals written over the last few years, and some older tracks that have been re-recorded. This project took over a year to write […]

It’s That Time Again

Can't Get You Out of My Head Single cover

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It’s that time again… well it has been over a year since I released new material, so here we go again. On Thursday 07 September I released my new single ” Can’t Get You Out of My Head”. This is the first release from my new album “The Kid In Me” due for release in […]

Welcome to Akrasia

Map of Akrasia

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Welcome to Akrasia. Where is that? I hear you ask. Well, it is not a real physical place. But it is a state of mind. A state of mind that almost feels like a place when we are there. It is quiet in Akrasia with not a lot happening. Almost barren. It’s a nice place […]

Thank you so much

Here We Sit download in a box

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Thank you so much to all of you who have helped me out over the last few weeks. I have been full on promoting and telling people about the album going live on Friday. And the help and support I have received is huge. Thank you all so much. And it keeps on going and […]

Time to get saving

Download streaming arrow

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As announced recently, my album “Here We Sit” is going onto all streaming platforms. So it’s time to get saving. It has been a lot of work over the last few weeks. And I am glad to announce that we are almost ready to go onto all streaming platforms. As I am a new artist […]

This is so exciting…

So exciting stick man

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This is so exciting… I have submitted my album to CD Baby as per my last communication, and it is all happening. I have to pinch myself when I look at this. To think that just over a year ago, I started out by releasing this album on my website. Very soon, it will be […]

To stream or not to stream

Shakespeare Dodgy Headphones

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To stream or not to stream? Now there is a question not even the bard could have dreamt up. Users love it, but artists have divided opinions. Whether we like it or not, it seems that streaming music is here to stay. I have resisted up to now. But it feels like time for me […]

Here We Sit on Bandcamp

Here We Sit Album Artwork opt3

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Here we Sit is now available to listen to on Bandcamp. The album has been available now for over a year from and I am really pleased with the reaction I have had from the people who bought it. You can still buy the album here, but I am now looking at other avenues […]

Would you go back to pre-computers?

Our Connected Planet

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Would you go back to the time to when we did not have computers? I was asked this a few weeks ago and it piqued my interest. I think it’s a great question that deserves some thought. As time goes on, there are fewer of us who remember those days. I grew up in the […]



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Lockdown (at the time of writing) has been on-going for over a year. It has felt like someone has pressed the pause button on life in general. We have social distanced, cleaned up our personal hand health habits, kept to our bubbles and generally changed the way that we have lived for generations. This lockdown […]

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