New Album Here We Sit

Here We Sit Album Artwork

Comments: 4

Now available on CD / Download and Streaming Music Insider Global: “guitar work is catchy and electrifying… vocals are powerful, raspy and unforgettable”. “It’s absolutely the ray of hope we needed in what has proven to be a difficult year so far.” Here We Sit is the first studio release from Noel O’Reilly. 10 tracks […]

Havin’ A Moment

Having A Moment

Comments: 0

Havin’ A Moment is my latest release available to download exclusively from the Noel O’Reilly store. This is the third release from my studio album “Here We Sit” which is available now. The official release date for the album is 20 February, but you can pre-order the CD now by clicking here. Get updates from […]

One Deep Breath

One Deep Breath and dive in...

Comments: 1

  One Deep Breath – my second independent release is out now and available to download exclusively from the Noel O’Reilly Music Store. Inspired by Peter Greens Fleetwood Macs song Oh Well. It is a record of the trials and tribulations I went through mentally to get my music available to the public. I hope […]

An overnight success

Sleeping it off...

Comments: 3

An overnight success. What is that? Is there really anyone who can genuinely say that they are an overnight success? I have been reading up on several successful entrepreneurs and they all say the same… it takes time. Yes, there are people who can say that they got to a successful position quite quickly. But […]

Green light – GO

Time to get moving

Comments: 26

That’s right. The green light is on and it’s time to go. It’s has been a while coming but the new studio release is now live and available for download from the Noel O’Reilly Store. This is my first independent studio release and I am thrilled to make this available for download today. This is […]

Here We Sit

Here We Sit song photo

Comments: 2

  Here We Sit is the title track from my forthcoming album and is a comment on climate change. There is no doubt that the way our planet is behaving is changing. The extreme weather patterns, droughts, reduction in polar caps and resulting sea level rises gives cause for concern.  Some of these happenings may […]

Almost ready to go

Traffic Light System

Comments: 10

It’s been a while coming but I am almost ready to hit the green button. After several set backs including an unwanted visitor in my studio, equipment failure and generally just getting my music to an acceptable production level, I am now happy that I am almost ready to press the GO button. So now […]

There’s an un-invited visitor in my studio…

An un-invited visitor

Comments: 0

That’s right… There’s an un-invited visitor in my studio, or at least there was. Now I am not talking about someone who has leaked my new release date to the press, and no I am not going to write a song about it. The fact is I was hoping to have made an announcement about […]

My Top 10 Albums

Comments: 241

My Top 10 Albums. Everybody has a top 10 and probably more. I was nominated on Facebook to post the 10 albums that made the biggest impact in my life. Here they are as posted, including a short blurb as to why they have influenced me. Click here to listen to how these artists influenced […]

Saturday 04 January 1986 – A day I shall never forget.

Philip Lynott Solo In Soho Album cover

Comments: 14

. Saturday 04 January 1986 – Philip Lynott the bass player, writer and front man for Thin Lizzy passed away. This is a day I shall never forget. I recently became a member of the face book group Thin Lizzy Fan Club Worldwide and found a German documentary on the group which not only caught […]

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